Friday, April 15, 2016

Addresses Since A.PT-109

6411 + 911 + 30 + 2200 + 5819 + 216 = 13,547

The clue from Bombardier Bob was, “I had one shot to put out that engine fire.”
[Hughes does not think much about his name, even with USAF girlfriends]

SAGE SERIES EDITORS: “That ain’t liberal”

In today’s much anticipated second edition of “That ain’t liberal,” we will address the VFW Hall* and lame-assed VA with one shot.


Ms. Willis-

I would hope two or more Vets got an idea like, “Let’s buy a truck and move people cheap.” If they had this brilliant idea, please inform me of how to contact them.


Bill Hughes

*Soldiers, do not get smart and plot to bump off your spouse, because there is always a seemingly drunk Illinois cop in there. My STP warned me to never go to the BBQ with Charlie; don’t take it personally.


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